Membership Program

Ula Tours Clubone time membership! Life time trips!!

How does ULA works?

  • Join as a member in ULA TOURS CLUB by paying membership fee to received 100 points
  • For every subsequent year received a guaranteed 100 points
  • Gain more points by referring or adding more members
  • Gain upto 1000 points in year
  • Roll over unused points to next years.


  • A single payment for membership delivers lifetime travel and tour options.
  • Travelling options to most destinations in india and around the world
  • at any place in our associated hotels and resorts at minimum points
  • Personalized tour plans also available to make trips and tours along with your family and friends
  • 50 credit points also available when the points are short to make trips and tours.
ULA TOURS CLUB – one time membership! Life time tours!!
Invest a small amout for your life time travel and tours, travel across the world have the most memorable experiences.